Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Best Tarot Cards for Reconciliation

It's often through the relationships in your life -- friendships, family, work alliances, love partnerships -- that you learn the most about yourself. One-on-one relationships with others can bring you joy, support, belonging ... but when something's wrong in one of these relationships, it can be devastating to your life and spirit. Whether it's a temporary spat or a major breakup, feelings of confusion, separation, loneliness, or frustration can take over, and close you off to the good things in your life. But they don't have to! You have the power to change your situation.
There are some very important Tarot cards that may show up when you need to reconcile a relationship with someone in your life. By identifying the reasons the problem arose in the first place, you'll be able to address the situation, find forgiveness, and move forward stronger than before.
The next time you turn to the Tarot for advice about a relationship in your life, keep an eye out for one of these cards -- it may hold a powerful message for you about a relationship that needs to be addressed!


Justice is a card about karma and fairness. This card may show up when you are dealing with an imbalanced relationship, or suffering the consequences of a bad interaction between you two. Justice reminds you that you must be equally open to bothsides of the situation -- are you doing your part to understand the other's perspective, or only thinking of yourself? When this card arises, you must open yourself to accepting the truth of your situation -- emotions aside. If you cannot do this, perhaps a third party such as a counselor is needed to mediate, and offer an outsider's practical perspective.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

You're stuck. When The Hanged Man shows up in a reconciliation reading, you must consider what you can do to get unstuck. In this case, it's not about the other person. This is about YOU. You've gotten yourself trapped in this situation, by thinking and acting in limited ways. To relieve the situation does not require intense action on both parts -- it requires that you open yourself up to more realistic, spiritual, open ways of thinking and living. When The Hanged Man appears, only by bettering yourself can you better your relationships with others.
Resource: tarot.com

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