Friday, August 19, 2016

Goals are for dorks. Veronica says burn your vision board!

Veronica is my evil twin and Tarot reader extraordinaire. She is here to extract the wisdom of the Tarot and inject it into your daily life….all while talking nasty and being a total bitch.
the burden
Osho Zen Tarot
You know what? You don’t have to set any more fucking goals from now on.
You don’t have to become your “best self” or improve or aim higher.
Leave that shit to Tony Robbins.
You’re good just the way you are.
Do you feel a weight lifting off your shoulders now? Do you feel a little less exhausted?
That’s because goals and dreams can drag you down. Oh sure, at first they seem to lift you up – just like cocaine.
You feel all zippy when you paste together your vision board. You’re overcome by that heady assumption that the universe is your bitch and you can just order shit up like at a drive thru.
But then time passes and realization hits you – your vision board is nothing but a shit festival of broken dreams – a beautiful pictographic representation of all the things you’ve failed to achieve this year.
Resource: daily-tarot-girl

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