Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread: Revamped!

I was bored reading with the original Celtic Cross Spread, so I decided to revamp it and add my own twist:
Celtic Cross Spread Revamped
1) You right now – This card represents what is going on for you right now. It indicates what you are thinking, feeling or doing.
2) Strongest influence – what is influencing you right now. This could be a particular energy, desire, person or event.
3) Hidden desires – Oh la la! This is what you really want. Social expectations be damned!
4) Snakeskin: what you’ve shed – what you’ve let go of, what is no longer a part of you or your life.
5) What you think you want – This may or may not be in alignment with #3 (what you really want), but this is a goal that you are actively pursuing.
  • What if you get a negative card in a "positive" position?

Negative cards represent blocks that, if dealt with and removed, will bring greater ease and joy into your life.
For example, if you get The Devil in the “key to bliss” position, it could indicate that dealing with your addictions will lead to a more blissful life.
Always keep the positive aspect of the negative cards in mind. If you get Three of Swords in the “role in my community” position, it could mean that you act as the shoulder to cry on when others are feeling down.
Watch this spread in action in my video below:
6) Into the forest! What’s next? – As you go deeper into your life journey, what adventure will await you next?
7) Your relationship to your higher self – how connected or disconnected are you from the higher aspect of yourself?
8) Your role in your community – the role you often play at work, with friends and family and with the people you encounter in your day to day life.
9) The secret key to bliss! – what would make your life more blissful and fun.
10) Wonderful things that will happen – the good stuff that awaits you in the distant future.

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