Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Cooking for one….is not a f**king tragedy

Veronica Noir is one of the world’s greatest Tarot readers…and she is also my evil twinsies! She is single, diabolical and on fire – travelling the world reading Tarot, seducing young men and running naked on the beach! Let’s see what advice she has today…
the sun
Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot
You know what I’m tired of?
Hearing people, I mean women, say things like “Oh, it’s just me so I don’t really bother cooking a proper meal or anything”
Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you have to eat gruel and tears in a dark corner while the happily paired eat grilled salmon and asparagus tips with wine.
Don’t think you can just act like YOU aren’t worth cooking for.
Time alone needs to be celebrated! Because time alone is time free of dumbfucks and inane chitty chatty bullshit.
The Sun is about joy and celebrating life – wherever you happen to find yourself
Resource: daily-tarot-girl

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