Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Celtic Cross Spread

The Celtic Cross Spread is the classic, most common Tarot layout used for reading the cards. You can use it to answer a specific question or to get a general sense of your life right now. There are many different versions of the Celtic Cross Spread, so don’t be surprised if you come across the same spread somewhere else that has slightly different position meanings. Just use the version that you prefer.
celtic cross layout
Cards pictured are The Universal Waite Tarot
1) You Right Now – This card represents what is going on for you right now. It indicates what you are thinking, feeling or doing.
2) What helps and/or hinders you – This card can either tell you what is blocking you or what could help you, depending on the card. Often this represents inner rather than outer forces, for example, your general attitude or particular personality trait that you can tap into for success or tamper down to avoid disaster.
3) Subconscious Influences – Your deeper desires, beliefs and feelings that you are not fully aware of, but yet powerfully effect your situation. These can sometimes reveal themselves in your dreams.
4) Past – Events, people and issues from the past that have led to your current situation. These are things that are still effecting you today, even though they are in the past. This card can represent negative experiences that you still need to let go of, or positive experiences that you can draw on for support and inspiration.
5) Goals & Ideals – This card represents your conscious desires, goals and what is important to you right now. This is what you are putting your energy towards, or how you are using your energy.
6) Near Future – This is the direction that things are heading at the moment. If you do not like this card, ask yourself what you can do right now to shift your energy so that the outcome is different. The future is not set in stone!
7) Your Approach – This represents how you are approaching your situation at the moment. This card can refer to your thoughts, beliefs or actions.
8) Environment – The energies currently surrounding you. This can refer to your family, friends, work environment or neighbors.
9) What You Need to Know – This card tells you what you need to be aware of right now. This is an advice or wisdom card, telling you a little secret about something you shouldn’t overlook.
10) Final Outcome – This represents a possible outcome based on current energies. Like the Near Future card, it can change if the energies shift. Compare this card to card #5 (goals & ideals) to see if they are similar, conflicting or complementary.
Resource: daily-tarot-girl.com

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