Thursday, August 4, 2016

How to Connect With Your Tarot Deck in 3 Easy Steps

Have you ever felt like your Tarot deck just didn’t “get” you? Like it wasn’t really attuned to you at all?
It’s hard to get anything out of your Tarot readings if you feel your deck is just “off”. Your Tarot deck might not be the problem – it could be that your relationship with your deck needs a little TLC.
For the purpose of this article, I want you to think of your Tarot deck as an actual person or conscious being. I know that seems nutsy…..but bear with me! Doing this will change your whole experience of reading Tarot….
Step #1: Stop asking your Tarot deck questions! Show your appreciation instead.
You can imagine your Tarot deck is probably tired of hearing you ask the same old questions again and again. I know for a fact that if my deck were a person, it would be sighing and rolling it’s eyes at most of my questions by now.
Try this! Instead of asking your Tarot deck a question, tell it something. Hold it in your hands, get a sense of its unique energy and vibe, and tell it (silently) how much you like it, how pretty it is, how much fun you have with it – really communicate your overall appreciation for its presence in your life.
*Tip: There are other ways you can demonstrate respect for your Tarot deck, like wrapping it in silk before putting it away, placing a crystal on top of it and thanking it after a reading. Call me crazy, but sometimes I like to give my deck a kiss before putting away!
Step #2: Get to know your Tarot deck.
Make a date with your Tarot deck and take the time to ask it some juicy questions about itself. For each question, draw a card to answer it and record your impressions in your Tarot journal. Here are some possible questions you might ask:
the world tarot card meaning
I got this card when I asked my Crystal Visions Tarot deck what our relationship would be like…
  • What kind of a Tarot deck are you? What card sums up your personality?
  • What issues/areas of life do you specialize in?
  • How can you best help me?
  • What quality is most important in a Tarot reader?
  • How do you see our relationship?
Each and every Tarot deck has a unique personality and asking these questions will let you know if you mesh well with this particular deck. This will certainly give you a clear idea if your deck has a cheeky sense of humor or not!

Step #3: Spend quality time with your Tarot deck
Your Tarot cards will closely attune to your energy when you spend quality time with them, making for better readings. Some Tarot readers suggest sleeping with them under your pillow (I haven’t tried this one yet – I am afraid I will ruin my cards!).
You can also meditate while you hold your deck in your hands, practice regularly with them and take time contemplating each card. If these things aren’t always possible, simply placing your deck on your coffee table or bedside table will do the trick.

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