Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Spring has sprung…have you?

veronica 2Veronica is my debaucherous alter ego who is just like me only better. She thinks cats are better than kids, wine is better than water and naps are better than…well, everything!
the fool
The Fairytale Tarot by Karen Mahony
Spring is finally here! Tis the season for gardening, colon cleanses and all round zestyness!
Are there exciting new things on the horizon? No, probably not, but there is a renewed sense of excitement about the usual routine.
The Fool is about starting out fresh and travelling lightly.Unload all that crap you got for Christmas, give away your old clothes that totally suck now that a year has passed and revel in the feeling of …..less crap.
Dance freely in your living room to Tom Jones, skip like a lunatic through your neighborhood streets and roll around in dandelion patches.
Lame people will say “Spring is a time for re-evaluating goals…blah, blah”. Meh! Ignore that. Spring is a time for listening to the birds who have very special songs just for you if you’d put down your shitty iphone for five seconds and listen. Do it!
Resource: daily-tarot-girl

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