Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Embracing Change ~ 5 Card Tarot Spread

Life is always throwing us surprises and it is certainly true that the only thing constant in life is change. With that in mind, I have created this 5 card Tarot spread to help you navigate those times of change and transition.
1) Action to ease transition:
  • What you can do now to make this transition period easier
  • The best attitude to have during this time of change
2) Support:
  • A person or group that is supporting you during this change
  • A particular attitude or belief that will serve to support your transition
  • What will help you feel grounded and stable right now
3) What you will gain from this change:
  • The true reason for all this change
  • How this change will benefit you and what you can learn from it
  • Where this change is headed
4) What you need to let go of:
  • What needs to be released to make this transition smooth
  • What you will be losing/letting go of as a result of this change
  • Past wisdom and experience that you can draw on
5) Higher Guidance:
  • Messages from your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Angels regarding this time of change
  • What you need to know about this transition period
Reading Tips:
  • Compare cards #3 and #4. How do they differ? How are they similar?
  • If cards #1 and #2 were in a room together, how would they interact?
  • How will you use the guidance and support from cards #2 and #5?
Here is a video demonstration where I do a Tarot reading using this 5 card Tarot spread:


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