Thursday, August 4, 2016

Positive thinking? How about NOT.

Veronica is my evil alter ego/badass Tarot reading twin. She’s sassy, self-centered and ruthless….and somehow always gets away with it! When she’s not turning down charities and using the pages of self help books as toilet paper, she’s reading Tarot on this blog…
five of cups
Housewives Tarot
“You just need to think positively”
“Look on the bright side”
“Kick negative thinking to the curb!”
Have you ever heard the above phrases? Of course you have! You live in a time where “positive thinking” is shoved down your throat 24/7.
Well, my dear, today I will not say those awful things to you.
Today, I want to let you know that it is totally okay with me if you think…..NEGATIVELY!
Everything is going to shit for the woman in this Five of Cups card. Most of her drinks are spilled, her dress is wet, her hair is totally fucked. What on Earth does she have to be happy about? The two full glasses? Big deal.
If things aren’t working out for you today, you can always look on the bright side and stop yourself from spiraling down into the abyss of negativity. But why would you?
When a perfectly good opportunity for self-pity and whining presents itself, take advantage!
Everyone’s so tired and bored of chipper, positive people anyway. Your cranky bitching will feel like a fresh Spring breeze on a balmy Summer’s day.
Resource: daily-tarot-girl

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