Thursday, August 11, 2016

Life Purpose Tarot Card Spread

Life purpose is something that many people want more insight into. We all wonder from time to time why we are here, what we are supposed to be doing and if we are in the right job, city or relationship. We all come to Earth with a mission, but forget what that mission is once we incarnate into a physical body. This spread is designed to help you remember what that mission is by giving you a snapshot of your life purpose as it relates to spiritual growth, relationships, career and creativity.
1) You in relation to your life’s purpose:This card can give you an idea of how well you are relating to your life’s purpose – whether you are struggling to find it or living it joyfully.
  • To what extent you are living your life purpose
  • How you are living your life now
2) Your personal life purpose:
  • areas of spiritual growth that you are working on
  • life lessons that you came here to master
3) Your life purpose in your family and community:
  • the role you came to play in your family and/or community
  • how you intend to impact and influence those closest to you
4) Your global life purpose:This can often be in close relationship to your community purpose.
  • what you came to accomplish on a global level (for example, bringing more peacefulness to the planet, inspiring others to question societal norms or bringing joy and bliss to those who experience your work).
  • How you intended to effect the planet as a whole when you first decided to incarnate into a physical body (your life purpose in the bigger scheme of things)
Now compare card #1 to each of the other three – are they similar? Opposing? How do they interact? Is your current lifestyle in stark contrast to what your original purpose was?
Card #1 will give you clues as to what you need to change in your current life in order to align more closely with your life purpose.

Here is a video demonstrating how to use this tarot card spread:

Resource: daily-tarot-girl

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