Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sharing Your Gifts ~ 5 Card Tarot Spread

We all have unique gifts, talents and abilities that we bring to this world. However, we can sometimes feel lost when it comes to identifying what those gifts are or even how to express our gifts. This 5 card Tarot Spread will help you discover your gifts and show you what is blocking your expression of them and what can help you share them without fear.
1) You in relation to your gifts:
  • How you feel about sharing your gifts / talents
  • How well you are currently expressing them
2) Gifts you are already aware of:
  • Talents and abilities you are already expressing in your life
  • How do you feel about sharing these gifts? How well are you expressing them in your life right now?
3) What is blocking you:
  • What is holding you back from sharing your gifts – for example, fears, limiting beliefs, attitudes, past events
  • What you need to release or change in order to express your talents more freely
  • What is lacking in your life (This usually applies if the tarot card in this position is quite positive)
4) Gifts you are not aware of:
  • Special talents and abilities that you have not yet fully tapped into (you many have an inkling as to what these are, but you haven’t explored them yet)
  • Gifts you are aware of, but keep suppressed out of fear
5) What will help you share your gifts:
  • Action you can take
  • A particular perspective or way of thinking
Here is a video demonstration on how to use this 5 card tarot spread in a tarot reading:

Resource: daily-tarot-girl

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