Tuesday, August 9, 2016

What Your Favorite Tarot Card Says About You….

We all have a favorite Tarot card. Mine is The Star, with The Hermit being a close second. Believe it or not, your favorite Tarot card says a lot about you and where you are right now on your life path.
druidcraft tarot the star
My favorite Tarot card! From The Druidcraft Tarot Deck.
If you don’t automatically know what your favorite Tarot card is, take a moment to go through your Tarot deck and choose the card you feel most drawn to. Do it now, before you read the rest of this article!
Okay, now that you have your favorite Tarot card in front of you, I want to reveal the four “keys” that will unlock the secrets (about you!) hidden in this card. Does that sound ultra-dramatic or what?!
Key #1: Color
What color is most prominent in your favorite Tarot card? This tells you what is most important to you right now.
  • Red / Orange – this color signifies passion and drive and is strongly associated with the areas of career, power, creativity, action and movement. Chances are career is important to you, as is living your passion and making your mark on the world. You are goal oriented, prefer to be busy and love an adventure! You are a go-getter at heart.
    the sun tarot card
    The Paulina Tarot
  • Blue / Green – relaxation and going within are what you enjoy the most. You are introverted, sensitive and always seem to want more down-time in your life. You nurture your creativity and inspiration by journeying inward and recharge your batteries by spending time alone. Meditation, writing, reading, crystals and being by the ocean are all things that you love.

  • Purple – You are strongly focused on spirituality at the moment. You are in the process of getting in touch with your own divinity and connecting to spirit. You share many of the blue/green traits, but you are very interested in things like astrology, the cosmos, reading channeled books, ascension, hypnosis and activating your psychic abilities. Others may think you are weird – but you could care less!

  • Yellow – You are working on issues related to abundance, self-esteem and courage. Establishing strong boundaries will help you through this phase in your life, as well as developing a practice of self-love and appreciation. You may have a strong, secret urge to perform in a play or get your writing published – basically, you want to be the star of the show!

  • Multi-colored – If your favorite Tarot card has a mix of all different colors, this shows that you are well rounded, open minded and here for a good time! You love travel, meeting new people and learning new things – this is what makes life spicy and fun for you. You are a social butterfly, but also enjoy solitary activities like reading. You have an interest in both spirituality and business.
high priestess tarot card meaning
The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot
 Key #2: Gender
If there is a figure on the Tarot card, is it male, female or androgynous?
This symbolizes the energy that you are most closely aligned with at the moment. If the figure is a male, you are probably quite focused on doing, whereas if the figure is female, you are likely more focused on being.
Key #3: Action
Is there any action going on in your favorite Tarot card? Whats happening in it?
If your favorite Tarot card depicts someone on a horse, this can indicate that you are ready to really up your game and go for your dreams.
If your card shows people interacting (like The LoversSix of Cups or Three of Cups) this can mean that relationships and communication are front in center in your life right now.
Key #4: Symbols
Is there a particular symbol in the card that stands out to you?
Look into the spiritual significance of this symbol or ask yourself what you think this symbol means. Chances are it represents something you are desiring or something that is important to you.
For example, the first thing I notice in my favorite Tarot card, The Star, is the water being poured out of both cups. To me this represents the flow of life and establishing a sense of trust in the Universe. This is something I constantly remind myself of to help stay relaxed and optimistic in times of doubt and struggle.

Resource: daily-tarot-girl.com

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