Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Exploring the History and Hidden Meanings of Dreams

TracyStillmanDreamImagefor intrepting your dreams with tarot readingPeople have been fascinated by the dreams of their subconscious mind for thousands of years, and different cultures have sought to understand and interpret their meanings.
In ancient civilizations, dreams were viewed as signs sent from the Gods. Ancient Egyptians held dreaming rituals, sacrifices and recited prayers in the hope that these traditions would ensure that their dreams gave them a glimpse into the future. In Ancient Greece, Aristotle believed that people could achieve the purest form of wisdom only during periods of sleep.Dream interpretation guided family life, significant military decisions and impacted the development of the ancient world.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, was the first to suggest that dreams came from human thoughts rather than a divine source and were important in revealing a person’s mental and physical health. Today, it is common for people to seek the services of a Tarot reader to help them interpret the symbolism of their dreams.
Dreams often fall into the following broad categories:
  •  Life Dreams – with familiar people, places and events that help us recall or accept what’s happening in our daily lives.
  • Premonition Dreams – dreaming of a death for example, is often a metaphor for change, which a Tarot reading can reveal in more detail.
  • Psychological Healing Dreams – often frightening, these dreams help us to release an emotional blockage and unhealthy link to the past.
  • Problem Solving Dreams – these usually involve someone who divulges a message that can guide us in decision-making. Combined with an interpretative Tarot reading these dreams help us to see possible solutions to obstacles in our life.
  • Reoccurring Dreams – are generally indicative of an issue that hasn’t been resolved, and without which we can’t move on in life.
Dreams serve many purposes in our lives, but they don’t always make sense to us at the time, so we often need help with analyzing and understanding these innermost thoughts. An experienced Tarot card reader can help you to interpret the symbolism of your dreams and provide deeper meaning and insights with a dream interpretation Tarot reading.

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